Package 'gmresls'

Title: Solve Least Squares with GMRES(k)
Description: Solves a least squares system Ax~=b (dim(A)=(m,n) with m >= n) with a precondition matrix B: BAx=Bb (dim(B)=(n,m)). Implemented method is based on GMRES (Saad, Youcef; Schultz, Martin H. (1986). "GMRES: A Generalized Minimal Residual Algorithm for Solving Nonsymmetric Linear Systems" <doi:10.1137/0907058>) with callback functions, i.e. no explicit A, B or b are required.
Authors: Serguei Sokol [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Serguei Sokol <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 0.2.2
Built: 2024-10-19 05:24:30 UTC

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Solve a Least Squares System with a Preconditioner.


Solve a least squares system Ax~=b (dim(A)=(m,n) with m >= n) with a preconditioner B: BAx=Bb (dim(B)=(n,m)). Implemented method uses GMRES(k) with callback functions, i.e. no explicit A or B are required. GMRES can be restarted after k iterations.


gmresls(f_resid, f_BAx, x0 = NULL, k = 0, maxit = 0, tol = 1e-07, ...)



A function f_resid(x, ...) calculating B(b-Ax) for a given x. If x is of length 0 (e.g. NULL), it must be considered as 0.


A function f_BAx(x, ...) calculating matrix-matrix-vector product BAx for a given x.


A vector or NULL (which means 0), initial approximation for Ax=b


An integer, parameter for restarting GMRES. Value 0 (default) means no restart, i.e. at most length(x) basis vectors will be constructed and used.


A maximal iteration number. Here, itereation number continues to increment even after a possible GMRES restart. Default (0) means length(x).


A tolerance for solution x, estimated as ||B(Ax-b)||/||Bb||, default 1.e-7


Parameters passed through to f_BAx and f_resid


Implemented method is equivalent to a classical GMRES(k) method with restart after constructing k basis vectors and applied to a square system BAx=Bb. Dense matrices constructed and stored by this method are of size (length(x), k) and (k+1, k) where k is GMRES current basis vector number. If maxit > k, GMRES will be restarted after each k iterations Particularity of this implementation that matrices A and B have no to be stored explicitly. User provides just callback function mimicking their multiplication by adequate vectors. In case of non convergence after maxit iterations, attr(x) will contain a field 'warning' with the message which will be also issued with warning() If the operator BA is not of full rank, iterations will be stopped before reaching convergence or maxit. A warning will be emitted in this case.


The solution x, having the structure of f_resid(x,...).


# prepare a 4x3 toy least squares (LS) problem Ax=b
A=rbind(diag(1:3)+matrix(1, 3,3), rep(1, 3))
b=A%*%xsol+rnorm(4, 0., 0.1) # add some noise as it is often the case in LS
   with(list(...), if (length(x) == 0L) crossprod(A, b) else crossprod(A, b-A%*%x))
   with(list(...), crossprod(A, A%*%x))
x=gmresls(f_resid, f_BAx, A=A, b=b)
stopifnot(all.equal(c(x), c(qr.solve(A,b))))